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Education: Books, Videos & Herding Clinics
The History of The Australian Shepherd Club of America
By December 1970, Membership Dues had risen to $5.00 for a single vote and $7.50 for a dual (2 vote). Other family members living in the same house could obtain single vote memberships for $2.50 per year. Membership includes a subscription to both the Aussie Times and the National Stock Dog magazine.
Under the club's Reputable Breeders' Policy it is requested that all inquiries received are answered. Walter Lamar from Okeene Oklahoma (ASCA Board of Trustees) began collecting information for a genetic (color and natural bob tail) research study on the breed. The Aussie Times published a series drawings by Vicki Mistretta on gait and structure.
In the For Sale Section include listings with phrases such as:
Janeane Harper, early ASCA Historian contributed the Aussie ABC's:
Conformation and Obedience Trials were being hosted through the regional clubs partnering with the local Kennel Clubs and Rare Breed Associations.
Quote: "BREED ONLY THE BEST TO THE BEST and, when it comes to culling, as it most certainly will, consider the damage which may be done to the Breed if you allow your heart to rule your head. If you are not prepared to cull, do not breed."
Through the Aussie Times we met Diane and Gary Tuck from Arkansas. Diane had sent a letter to the Times Inquiring about Working Stockdog Trials. In 1970, Elaine decided to stop by Arkansas to visit and return photos on the way to Florida. While there we met their Tuck's Pepper.
As Diane stated: "We have no shows here, so he has no ribbons or trophies. Only his working record is his trophy." She believed that ASCA could hold informal playdays for working dogs, as Tom Stodghill did to get his working stock dog trials started in Quinlan Texas.
In 1968 we had gone trials to in Quinlan at the Animal Research Foundation. While there we met Lewis Pence who had an impact the future of working Australian Shepherds.
By Spring of 1971, ASCA was advertising in both the Dog World and Dog Fancy publications. The Aussie Times took on a new look. A subscription is $2.00 and single copies 75 cents.
Highlights included an announcement that Gwen Stevenson's book The Australian Shepherd; History and Origin was soon to be released.
The SHOW NEWS contained the results from All-Breed Fun Matches in California and Oregon and Colorado's Annual Spring Show with a notice for the 2nd Annual Associated Rare Breed Show in California that had drawn over 90 Aussies the previous year. The 'Short Form' was introduced to reduce the amount of paperwork required by AKC clubs hosting ASCA Aussie competition.
In the OBEDIENCE section of the Club News and Notes "Obedience wins are quite easily verified. Only the Obedience shows which are held under the same format as that of the AKC will be accepted for recording for the ASCA Obedience Degrees." Qualifying dogs in competition needed to have the Judge sign and date the Score Card and then submit it to ASCA.
The first NSDR Working Stock Dog Trials were scheduled to be held at Ft. Wingate New Mexico September 25 and 26 1971. Australian Shepherds, English Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dogs and Australian Kelpies would be eligible to compete with entry fees going to the Jackpot. In the August 1971 issue, Elsie Cotton writes "Only the breeders Can Destroy a Breed." She said:
The head study that later became the ASCA Logo was the first in a series of informational sketches by Leslie Sharp. The caption explains "This sketch is a composite taken from head studies of several outstanding Aussie males". In fact, Leslie told us that one of the 'males' was in fact a Moss Agate as she was pictured with "the four blues" that had appeared in the previous issue, another was Cotton's Blue Bobby.
- Ernest Hartnagle and Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor
The first copy of the 1969 Aussie Times grew from eight mimeographed pages to thirty one printed pages.
Gwen Stevenson's book was finally available. The ASCA Stud Book Closure was firmly requested by an over-whelming majority of members. Stud Book scheduled to be closed on December 1, 1972.
The Financial Statement for the Fiscal Year 1972 (June 30, 1972) prepared by Harold E. May listed a balance of $832.31 as opposed to the June 30, 1971 Fiscal Report which listed a balance of $ 237.07.
The December issue of the Aussie Times is transformed from a newsletter to a magazine with the front and back covers printed on heavy card stock. It grows to 58 pages. It is still being released three times a year in the Winter, Spring and Fall. The For Sale listings are still free to members. The DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES are Full Page with Photo @ $25.00, Full Page with Shaded Sketch @ $17.50 per issue, Full Page with Sharp Black on White @ $12.50 per issue.
Half Page with Photo @ $15.00, Half Page with Shaded Sketch $10.00, and Black and White $7.50 per issue. Third Page with photo @ $12.50, Third Page with Shaded Sketch @ $8.50 and Third Page Sharp Black on White @ $4.50 per issue.
ASCA registers kennel names. This was significant in for record keeping, so the dogs were not lost as they had become under the old Registry system. Each time a dog changed ownership, the previous owner's name was deleted and the new owner's name entered as the prefix to the dog's name. For example our little dog Hartnagle's Goody (Goodie) later became known as Wood's Blue Shadow. Through a stroke of fate, Goody aka Blue Shadow became a foundation matron in Dr. Heard's Flintridge bloodlines, Hartnagle's Las Rocosa Aussies and Fletcher Wood's line of Australian Shepherds.
© 2004 By Ernest Hartnagle & Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor
Copyright photos provided from the Hartnagle family archives.